School Counselor: Dr. Evelyn Ibarra
School Counselor: Dr. Ibarra
School Counselor: Dr. Ibarra
School Counselor: Dr. Ibarra

Phone: Office number: (925) 473-2510 ext. 4323/ Hablo Español
Pronouns: she/hers
Degrees and Certifications:
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) from the University of San Francisco
Master's in Counseling Psychology, emphasis in School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services credential from the University of San Francisco
B.A. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences double major with Minor in Sociology from San Jose State University.
DR. Evelyn Ibarra
DR. Evelyn Ibarra
DR. Evelyn Ibarra
Hello, my name is Dr. Evelyn Ibarra and I have the pleasure of being a School Counselor at Black Diamond High School. I have been a school counselor at BDHS since the school's beginning when it opened in 2012-2013.
I encourage all students and parents/guardians to please reach out with any questions or concerns. Besides questions about academics, I can also assist in the following areas:
Dual enrollment at Los Medanos College (LMC): Los Medanos College (LMC) is partnered with Black Diamond High to provide a Counseling course focused on "Career Exploration," "College Success," and "Educational Planning." Please contact me if you would like to enroll. Students can earn college and high school credit at the same time!
Lincoln counseling services: Please contact me if interested in Lincoln services, which provide students with confidential, one on one therapy. Lincoln clinicians can assist students with mental health well-being.
Post-High School Planning: Whether it is college or a career program, the counselors are here to help students plan for life after high school.
I am here to help and support all of our students and their families.
Be safe and be well,
Dr. Ibarra
(925) 473- 2510 ext. 4323 - Office number
Hola, mi nombre es Dr. Evelyn Ibarra y tengo el placer de ser una consejera en Black Diamond High School.
Pido que por favor me contacten si tienen algunas preguntas o precupaciones. Ademas de ayudar con las academicas de los estudiantes tambien puedo asistir en las sigientes areas:
1.) Inscribirse en clases dados por el colegio Los Medanos College (LMC): LMC les esta ofreciando a los estudiantes de Black Diamond el curso "Career Exploration," "College Success," y "Educational Planning." El objetivo del cursos es animar a los estudiantes a comensar a pensar en una futura carrera.
2.) Servicios de Lincoln: Lincoln Services les ofrece a los estudiantes terapia confidencial para ayudarlos con su salud mental. Si estan interesados, por favor me contactan.
Estoy aqui para servirles,
Dr. Ibarra
(925) 473-2510 ext. 4323
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